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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

This is why I write

After hours of sleep and a lovely conversation with a dear friend/former family member, I know why I write.

I write because I'm not scared to tackle characters that make others uncomfortable. I'm not scared to write the scenes that leave me drained and sobbing when I'm finished. I'm not scared to feel their pain so I can find the words to express it on paper.

That's why I write. Because I'm willing to go where others refuse to go.

In the end, I think that's an important reason to write.

I love books that bring me nothing but happy tears. I also like books that twist my gut and force me to quesiton my beliefs about things.

As a writer, I want to write the books that bring tears of sorrow and joy, the books that also make the reader squirm with discomfort because maybe my character is a little close for their comfort and I want them to question their feelings about some of their prejudices.

Let's face it, each of us has prejudices against something or another. We make rash judgment calls based on how a person speaks, dresses, presents themselves or even based on what mode of transportation they use.

I'd love to think we were past the days of when the color of a person's skin mattered, but I realize even those prejudices still exist. I'll leave that topic for other writers. Ones who have more authority to broach that topic than I have.

I'll tackle the ones that are more common. The one who talked to me today has a phrase that I really adore. She says she feels like the granola queen and she's sick of living in an area where she sticks out in her granola attire. She's sick of worrying if her shoes match her outfit perfectly. She wants to move back to flannel shirts and Carhartts land.

That's not the one I'm dealing with in my book, but it's requiring readers to take another look at a character they'd rather just slap the label of loser on and be on their merry way.

So, my earlier post wasn't about my lack of self-esteem. It was about my confusion of friends basically telling me I shouldn't be writing about this character.

Sorry. That's the character for this book and if I can find a home for it, at least two more books. This is the story of one person's life and it absolutely fasinates me. It's a life that should be honored, not scorned. Which is why this character is so important to me. In real life, most people do scorn people just like my character.

Happy hen lit reading.

posted by Unknown @ Wednesday, July 06, 2005


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