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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

This Ol' Hen Went Promoting!

Hey all you hen litters out there!

I know this isn't related to writing hen lit, but this old hen has come up with a new blog I'd like to tell you all about.

See, I was quite frustrated over the recent (TWO!) rejections from agents last week, so I took the time to regroup...adopt more strategies and perhaps figure out this crazy writing world...and started promoting my already established soul mate relationship advice column when I came up with an idea to blog my advice!

Yeah, blog'it, baby!

The new blog is called "Are You My Soul Mate?" and can be located at www.soulmateadvice.blogspot.com.

See, I don't write the "usual" relationship advice column; mine is more to instruct those searching for their soul mates. I have all this intuitive wisdom going to waste so I thought I'd come up with yet another way to not only promote my services (all free!), but my other books, ROMANCING THE SOUL and HOW TO FIND AND KEEP YOUR SOUL MATE, too.

Eventually I'll probably be putting all these questions and answers in a book further down the road, but for now, I'm having FUN trying to help all these people understand what the soul mate experience is REALLY all about.

So, check it out if you'd like. I think you'll like it.

Meanwhile, query, query, query is on the agenda for today.

posted by thewriterslife @ Tuesday, June 28, 2005


  1. At Tuesday, June 28, 2005, Blogger thewriterslife said…


    An, you know, that's an interesting question, Kathy. I believe there are two answers to that, too. One, your soul mates come into your life from the day you are born (your mother is probably your first), but it isn't until you have fully matured and have "found" yourself do you end up with the soul mates that are meant to be in your life as companion soul mates. I do believe I hear a column coming...can I have permission to quote your question leaving out your name of course unless you want me to include it. I just love this soul mate stuff.


  2. At Tuesday, June 28, 2005, Blogger thewriterslife said…

    You are a marketing genius.

    Actually, I did write another book which needs some work. It's called "I Hope You Dance" about a kick ass romance novelist who hits the bigtime but finds love in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains. Based on a true story but purely fictional. Avon turned it down saying they already had something like that or something to that effect. I've had a partial with BookEnds for about seven months and they've never gotten back to me, so I started on a new book...my hen lit book. But you know with a little more work, that first book could be rejuvenated...and maybe think of another title...more catchy.


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