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This Little Hen Went to the Boardwalk!
June 2005
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Friday, June 17, 2005 Just thought I'd share my great experience with you on my online Next pitch I had yesterday with editor Jennifer Green of Harlequin.What was so great about this pitching opportunity was the fact that I had twenty minutes ( was only supposed to be ten!) to really flesh out my story, the details, the emotions, the conflicts, the characters, etc. to Jennifer and she provided me with some excellent feedback! It was almost like getting an oral revision letter. She pointed out the strengths of the story and she pointed out what didn't work for her as an editor looking at the story. She thought the idea was fresh and original and had a lot of potential to it. Things about the Next line for anyone that Jennifer was really stressing that this line isn't about romance. It's about the heroine's journey. Her life lesson. Where she's "at" at this point in her life...something that propels her to change. The endings aren't about a happily ever after with a man or a romance, but it's about a satisfying ending for the reader. I thought this was very important as we write these older heroine stories that might be targeted certain places that as wonderful as it is for the heroine to find that love of her life, that often times, with older women at changing points in their life, sometimes it's that recognized "love of self" that's even more important. So...all in all, a great experience! I'm refreshed and excited and ready to make some revisions (and cut some pages since I went over the word count...duh!) and then I'll send in the requested full manuscript. Definitely, if you have something to send in, Jennifer is a very fair, forthright and open editor. Good luck! Marley = )
posted by Marley Gibson @ Friday, June 17, 2005 3 Comments: