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Chick Lit Out, Matron Lit In
June 2005
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Monday, November 21, 2005
As a Hen/Lady/Crone/Goddess of a Certain Age, I read books written about protagonists of all age groups (and all ethnic, religions and sex groups, too). I think we (the above category of reader although speaking mainly of my own fine-self) are more diverse in our thinking - women in our age group see the world as a whole and not as compartments. "Well, now, let's see, Martha, I can't read THAT book because it's about a female transvestite who is a fallen Catholic practicing Witchcraft as a Wizard. I could just never relate." I know that's a bit far-fetched. But as someone who reads diverse genres and (GASP!) literary fiction, I am not really opposed to reading about the aforementioned female transvestite - as long as it's an interesting story - one that will hold my interest. I've met a lot of people over fifty who've read (and reread) every Harry Potter book - good stories. On the other hand, I would like to see stories about women like me - fiftish, a tad overweight but still sexy, bright and charming, intelligent and empowered. We are out there - and I, for one, am working on a couple of entries into that category. So, ladies, keep up the good work. Write those entertaining stories. We are a force. A beautiful, rounded, soft, loving, intelligent force. Mitzi PS - Thanks to those of you who comment on my meanderings on my blog. Nice to know my words are not lost in cyberspace.
posted by Mitzi @ Monday, November 21, 2005 3 Comments: