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June 2005
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Tuesday, August 09, 2005 This is more of a question than a reflection, but I'm confused and hope my hen litters can help shed light on this for me before I lose my everloving mind.Okay. Chick lit is full of humorous passages and fun to read. I figured hen lit to be about the same only with older protags. I had started writing a book (Over the Hill) and when I found out about the hen lit genre, I made sure that I followed the rules. The book came in at 80,000 words so it's basically good to go. One by one, the agents request the partial and one by one, they turn it down. Okay. So, I figure something is wrong with the first chapter...not a thing is mentioned about any road trip and that's basically what this book is all about. So, I'm rewriting the first chapter, no problem. Or, so I thought. I was over at eHarlequin this morning, reading the excerpts from the books they have out in the NEXT line. Is it early morning or am I just not finding humor in any of these? Egads, you know? I've written an 80,000 word book for what? Oh, but there's more. In checking out the titles, there is a dang book about a road trip! As in, oh my god. Is someone upstairs trying to tell me something? Not only did someone already write a book about three older protags going on this road trip, as if that wasn't enough to make me want to eat a whole box of white creamy melt-in-your-mouth donuts in one sitting and down it with a two-litre of pepsi along with two packs of cigarettes, I find no humor whatsoever in the excerpts on the site. Maybe I should stick to writing about soul least I know what I'm doing. Okay, can anyone shed any light on this? I know, I know, just write and don't worry about everything else, but what do I do when it's already written and there's another book out there similiar in the same genre no less, plus there's no hint of anything in it being humorous (I could be wrong...I'm just going by the excerpt on the site). Did five months of my life go down the drain in writing it? What's it going to do...sit in a file for years just like the thousand other projects I've started and forgotten or canned or just chalked it up to practice???? ARRGG.
posted by thewriterslife @ Tuesday, August 09, 2005 5 Comments: