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Friday, August 19, 2005
The Attitude of Today's Older Woman
It is almost 5 in the morning and I've been up a half hour. If I were ten years younger even, this would be considered a big no-no. Seems as soon as I turned the big 5-0, if something wakes me up, I can't go back to sleep no matter how hard I try.
While up, I decided to grab me a sandwich (another big no-no since my self-proclamation of starting a diet as of uh yesterday and pilgrimages to the fridge in the middle of the night is definitely not on the diet list rules) and a pepsi (again, NO-NO), and catch up on email. It is when I was in email I came upon an article about Demi Moore finding her soul mate, Ashton Kutcher, at a casual dinner with friends.
It did provide me with fodder for a future soul mate article, but what caught my attention was a quote she said in this article that went:
"It's been a challenging few years, being the age I am, with so much focus now on how I look," Moore says. "Almost to the point where I felt like, well, they don't know what to do with me. I am flawed. And I'm not 20. Not 30. But I'm certainly different from what most people feel someone in her 40s should be."
Demi is my hero.
What's this have to do with writing hen lit? That's the attitude I want to see and read. I want to hear about those Demis out in the world who are finding love at later life and portray what it really is like in today's world to be 40 and above. She is my inspiration.
Now, another great thing about getting up in the middle of the night is when your tummy is full, and you've been up for an hour or so, you can finally go back to sleep.
See you in the morning...zzzzzzzzzzzz....
posted by thewriterslife @ Friday, August 19, 2005
At Friday, August 19, 2005, thewriterslife said…
Exactly! Maybe we should contact Demi when we get our books published for an endorsement!!!!
At Friday, August 19, 2005, Myriam Maytorena said…
I have been working since 1 this morning which is when I woke up but I almost have my deadlines done for asknow.com... woo hoo. Actually I am way ahead of schedule.
Love Myriam
At Saturday, August 20, 2005, Marley Gibson said…
I actually based a character on Demi...LOL! I have to admit, although she's had a lot of surgery, she is a good example of an "older" woman making it in Hollywood. Must be that young man she's dating. *eg*