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Saturday, August 20, 2005

Where has all my energy gone?

I have been remiss in my blogging! So, sorry! Hope everyone is doing great. There's been so much going on that I barely feel like there are any spare moments in the day any more.

Since the end of July, I...

1. Signed with a new literary agent and couldn't be happier. She's out there sending my manuscripts and getting me read quickly.
2. Attended the RWA National Conference in Reno, NV and saw soooo many of my writer buddies and met a lot of new ones, too.
3. Started my new job and hit the ground running. Great company. Fun people. And, at (almost) 39, I'm one of the oldest people there. Very odd thing.
4. We've put our condo on the market and have been having strange feet come through looking at the place.

So, forgive me for my lack of blogging. I swear, if I had known in my twenties how much energy I would need in my late 30's, I'd have found a way to store it up or something. LOL! It's like, every morning, it's harder and harder to haul my ass out of bed and into the shower. Then, the commute seems to get longer and longer. Full of people on the trains, bumping into you and not saying "excuse me." Being back on that 8-5 wheel has definitely taken some adjustment, but I'm trying to be good to myself and always take that one hour lunch to read or write or just people watch.

But, the commuting time gives me a lot of time to read and I'm quickly delving into the NEXT books. I like that it's "that next phase" in life. However, I hope the books aren't all going to be about divorced woman. That seems to be a theme with the ones I've read and heard about. Then, I realized that my manuscript I'm targeting NEXT with is about a divorced woman. I'm such a hypocrit! :)

I really enjoyed Jennifer Archer's SANDWICHED and thought the three POVs in the story were well done and excellently executed. If you haven't read it, definitely go pick it up.

Well, I'll be better about blogging. Time to go make dinner. Roasted pork loin with a double-potato hash. And wine, of course.

Marley = )

posted by Marley Gibson @ Saturday, August 20, 2005


  1. At Sunday, August 21, 2005, Blogger thewriterslife said…

    LOL, I'm there with ya on the energy thing, girlfriend. Whew...wait until you put another ten or so years on the calendar...it's rough! I am interested in reading these NEXT books. So "Sandwiched" was good? I'll have to put that down on my Amazon list. All my books have a divorced woman in them, too. It's kind of hard (think real life) to find a woman of-a-certain-age not divorced, if you think about it...lol. I'm thinking it's going to be the norm in books at NEXT, but I'm sure there will be protags who are of a certain age doing things from a single-never-been-married angle. LOL, actually, that would be rather neat to read. How in the world did she stay single all her life? you know?


  2. At Monday, August 22, 2005, Blogger Bernita said…

    I am completely new to this.
    However, in blogging around, I have gotten the impression that "hen lit' is as often BY women over chick-lit age, not necessarily ABOUT older women.
    This seemed like a good place to ask the question.
    And, also, are henlit books about mid-life crises, or are they classic romances, but with older heroines? Or must problems such as divorces, older kids, etc. have to dominate?


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